Forgive Yourself For Walking Away
Sometimes another’s role in your life has already been fulfilled. In fact, staying in such a space means that no further movement can happen and that the true destination can’t be reached. Walking away releases both self and other from the bondage of unforgiveness, and thus the chain of past resentment is broken.
“I forgive myself for walking away”
Self-forgiveness looks like a total self-acceptance in God of all previous action. Blame, shame and guilt are dropped in savoring that there is nothing one can do to change the past. Therefore, necessary peace is chosen when one no longer remains beholden to uncontrollable circumstances i.e. the need to remedy the past.
Thank the past for being the perfect teacher in how to let go and elevate the circumstances you can control. Shift your own frequency by learning from what didn’t work. Recognize that what once was can no longer be recreated nor has the ability to provide what self-acceptance means now.
Instead, apply all the wisdom gained from observing the internal and external reaction an experience or event caused. Others may not be able to continue with you on your journey. This is a beautiful reason to let go, forgive them, and forgive yourself for having to keep going without them.
Our eternal nature brings us to the understanding that we do not own anything or anyone. Others, like clouds, are just passing through. This notion makes the walking away business even easier. When we give room for Grace, we allow the Holy Spirit to reveal where God’s love can pour even deeper and provide for us the salvation we so greatly seek.