Our Services

Discover transformative healing on your unique Wellness Journey.

Spiritual Counseling

Who it’s for: You are looking for guidance on relating spiritual principles to psychological well being.

  • A 60-Minute Counseling Appointment With Claire.

    Detailed Targeted Action Plan, Resources, and More.

  • $80

Spiritual Healing

Who it’s for: You are seeking to restore balance and flow into your life, and to reveal novel strategies for empowerment.

  • A 60-Minute Spiritual Healing Appointment With Claire

  • $80

Personalized Healing

Who it’s for: You are ready to elevate your experience of well being based on individually curated support.

  • A 90-Minute Personalized Healing Appointment With Claire

    Combination of Energy Work and Transformative Coaching Including Targeted Action Plan and Resources.

  • $120